Dr. Mena’s aim when treating the conditions below is to focus on health not the disease. He intends to uncover and support the body’s healing capacities, not to emphasize on deficiencies and disabilities. Symptoms are clues to the body’s adaptation, they don’t always have to be eliminated immediately by some “miracle drug”. Dr. Mena does NOT cure disease. The body has the capacity to heal itself if we let it. Dr. Mena’s job is to assist the body by removing the obstacles that block the healing energies.
Andropause – Commonly known as the “Male Menopause”. It is time in a man’s life when the hormones naturally start declining. Normally this happens in the 40’s or early 50’s. This decline can continue into the 80’s if not treated. Andropause is a gradual process and vary from person to person. Symptoms include; Reduce libido, depression, erectile dysfunction, irritability, insomnia, heart disease, prostate problems and osteoporosis.
Anxiety Disorder - Anxiety disorder is not considered a normal reaction to outside stress. It can interfere with normal, everyday obligations, responsibilities and tasks, which lead to a sense of excessive uncontrollable and irrational behavior.
Asthma – It is a chronic, long term, disease that inflames and narrows the airways of the lungs. Asthma causes a variety of symptoms that can worsen at any time, making breathing difficult. Unfortunately, there is no cure for asthma. Even when there are no symptoms, one may still have inflammation in the lungs. Fortunately, it can be managed with the help of a healthcare provider.
Autoimmune Disorders – An Autoimmune disease develops when the immune system, which defends the body against disease, starts to attack healthy body cells. Depending on the type of autoimmune disease, it can attack different types of body tissues. There are as many as 80 types of autoimmune diseases. In the conventional world of medicine, there is no cure, so treatment focuses on relieving the symptoms. In the holistic or alternative world of medicine, we do more than just relieving the symptoms.
Celiac Disease – It is a medical condition where individuals cannot process foods with gluten. Gluten attacks the cellular lining of the small intestine because the body is unable to process important proteins and nutrients, specially fats, iron, and folic acid. If gluten is not eliminated from the diet, the body may develop central nervous system disorders, vitamin deficiencies, pancreatic insufficiency, gall bladder issues and neurological manifestations. Symptoms of Celiac Disease include; tired and fatigued, chronic diarrhea, intestinal gas, fatty stools, stomach bloating, migraine headaches, unexplained weight loss or gain, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, constipation, abdominal cramps, etc.
Depression – depression is a medical condition where daily challenges seem to outweigh any hope of meaningful resolution. Depending on the severity and type, depression may cause a lack of interest, behavioral imbalances, and probabilities of physical harm. Besides feeling blue, individuals with depression may find it difficult to follow through with day-to-day tasks, hence the lack of confidence.
Digestive Disorders – Digestion starts as soon as food touches the mouth and immediately there is a cascade of chemical reactions. From the very instant you begin chewing, the salivary glands, teeth, and tongue work in glorious harmony. The digestive system, which is responsible for most of the body’s immune, is critical for protecting against foreign invaders, fighting infections, and maintaining nutrient balance.
Eczema – Research indicates that eczema may be genetically determined and studies show that there is often a family history of allergies, asthma or hay fever. Scratching can further irritate the skin and can even cause the skin to break and crack, opening the door for infection.
Erectile Dysfunction – An erection is a necessary factor for healthy reproduction, sexual pleasure, self-esteem and intercourse. Many men may have difficulty maintaining or even obtaining an erection. The reason may be hormone imbalance, medications, heavy metal toxicity, various circulatory diseases and poor diet.
Fibromyalgia – Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition described by pain in muscle and fibrous connective tissues. It is associated with sleep disturbance and is often accompanied by psychological conditions like anxiety and depression.
Food Allergies – A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to a specific food protein. This food reaction triggers a basophil or most cell histamine release. These reactions are immediate in nature and can be severe.
Gastrointestinal Disorders – Gastrointestinal diseases refer to diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract, namely the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum. There are many causes of gastrointestinal disorders such as genetics, infections, autoimmune, food sensitivities, nutritional, medications, hormonal, etc.
Heavy Metal Toxicity – Chemicals are all around us. Every year the United States chemical companies releases 6.5 trillion pounds of chemicals into the environment. Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic enter our bodies via food, water and air. Heavy exposure to any number of them can lead to toxicity. Heavy metals must be properly excreted from the human body through natural detoxification pathways before they buildup in various tissues. There are tests and treatment methods used to detect and extract heavy metals in order to prevent further exposure, minimize side effects and remove years of toxic accumulation. Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity: fatigue, neurological disorders, GI & kidney dysfunction, thyroid problems, developmental delays, respiratory issues, metallic taste in mouth, stroke, diabetes, skin disorders, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, cancer, loss of memory/brain fog, mood swings and muscle tremors.
Lyme Disease - Lyme is an infectious disease commonly transmitted by ticks. People exposed to wooded areas are subject to higher incidences of the disease, especially during the summer months. Once bitten, most of the infected area develops a rash, followed by flulike symptoms, stiff joints, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches, and chronic fatigue. However, the classic rash only shows up in 70% of Lyme disease cases, so further testing is essential. Even though Lyme disease is mostly concentrated in the coastal areas, it can strike anywhere in the world. Deer, mice, raccoons, horses, foxes, weasels, and squirrels are all possible carriers of ticks, making the disease difficult to trace. If left untreated, it may cause arthritis, Bell’s palsy, heart problems and constant inflammation.
Menopause – Menopause is the phase in a woman’s life when the menstrual cycle ends permanently due to low levels of estrogen and progesterone, which are hormones produced by the ovaries. Ovulation and consequently menses, are controlled by these ovarian hormones. Hence, menopause can be described as the termination of the ovaries’ primary functions. Although this process may signify the end of a woman’s fertile cycle, many post-menopausal women enjoy healthy, active sex lives. Symptoms of menopause include; irregular periods, hot flashes, sudden changes of mood, mood swings, vaginal dryness, urinary problems (UTI, incontinence and bladder irritation), changes in libido, irritability, changes in metabolism, weight gain, hair thinning, difficulty sleeping, joint pain and palpitations.
Musculoskeletal Pain – It is mainly pain in the body’s joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, tendons and structures that support limbs, neck and back. It is caused by inflammatory conditions or degenerative diseases.
Nutritional Deficiencies – Nutrition may be the single most influential component of healthy maintenance since diet is a determining factor in many diseases. As nutritional insufficiencies develop, the effects can encompass the whole body.
Osteoporosis – Osteoporosis is considered the silent disease. As the body ages, bone development slows down. Due to continuing thinning, bones with osteoporosis experience holes and spaces which cause loss of density, accidental fractures and abnormal bone structure.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)- PMS is a collection of symptoms occurring during the second half of the menstrual cycle and generally ending with the onset of menstrual flow. However, the symptoms become progressively worse until menstruating occurs. There are dozens of uncomfortable and painful symptoms of PMS. They may occur a few days before menstruation starts to several weeks before bleeding begins.
Prostate Disease – The Prostate is a walnut shaped gland that surrounds the urethra, which adds fluid to semen and acts as a muscle. Depending on the age and circumstances involved, the prostate may become inflamed and enlarged. However, a healthy prostate can help establish virility, proper urine flow and optimum sexual function. Symptoms of Prostate Disease include; Painful/frequent urination, erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, prostate enlargement, inflammation, pelvic pain, weak stream of urine, small amount of blood in urine, testicular pain, pain near the perineum and prostate cancer.
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease. It is a type of inflammatory arthritis. The immune system, which is responsible for protecting the body against viruses, foreign invaders and bacteria, go viral. Unable to distinguish between bad or good, the immune system begins attacking friendly tissue and in this case healthy joints. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are; joint pain, swelling & tenderness, firm bumps under arm tissue, fatigue, stiffness, hard to heal injuries, numbness or tingling in hands, red, inflamed eyes, locked joints, bruising and weight loss.
Sciatica – This refers to pain traveling or radiating along the path of the sciatic nerve. It is also described as a set of symptoms including pain, low back pain, buttock pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in various parts of the leg and foot.
Sleep Apnea – It is a type of sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Each pause in breathing is called apnea and it can last for several seconds to minutes and may occur 5 to 30 times in an hour. There are three forms sleep apnea; central, obstructive and complex or mixed sleep apnea. Regardless of type, an individual with this disorder is rarely aware of having difficulty breathing, even upon awakening. Symptoms of Sleep Apnea are; Daytime fatigue and sleepiness, impaired alertness, increased risk for diabetes and hypertension.
Thyroid Disorders – The thyroid gland lies in the neck, right below the Adam Apple. The thyroid gland secrets two significant hormones. T3 (triodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxin). These hormones play a very important role in regulating the metabolic rate. Certain disorders like hyperthyroidism causing thyroid gland to work very rapidly and causing major symptoms such as; rapid heart rate, anxiety, weight loss, sleep disturbance and increase perspiration. Hypothyroidism on the other hand, causes the gland to slow down the consequently reduces the metabolic rate. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include; weight gain, hair loss, fluid retention, recurrent colds, fatigue, depression, rubbery skin, etc. There are other disorders of the thyroid gland that are considered autoimmune disorders such as; graves disease and Hashimoto Thyroiditis.